

Helena rally shows support for tougher DUI laws

Posted at 5:39 PM, Sep 11, 2018
and last updated 2018-09-11 23:49:48-04

HELENA – Supporters of tougher drunk and drugged driving laws gathered on the steps of the State Capitol Tuesday morning.

The rally included members from three Montana DUI Task Forces, Lieutenant Governor Mike Cooney and Attorney General Tim Fox.

Supporters offered recommendations on ways to reducing DUI’S.

Those recommendations included initiating and funding DUI checkpoints.

Other recommendations included requiring ignition interlocks or close monitoring of first time DUI offenders.

other changes looking to be made is the ability for citizens to track court cases involving misdemeanor DUI’s.

Members of DUI Law Committee are also suggesting allowing police to obtain an electronic warrant for blood sample when first time offenders refuse a breathalyzer test.

Funding from increasing the state beer tax from 1.4 cents per 12 oz. can to 5 cents in order to fund enforcement efforts.

Ronald Yates DUI Law Community chairman says “I’m convinced that Montanans know we have a problem, but don’t really realize how bad the problem is, and the solutions that are quite doable. We really want to change the culture of drinking and driving in Montana.”

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) has repeatedly ranked Montana among the worst in the nation for efforts to reduce driving under the influence.

You can view more recommendations and legislative opportunities on the survey page

Reporting by Mercedies Pruneda for MTN News