

UM Journalism Dean named special adviser to provost


MISSOULA – Changes are coming to the University of Montana School of Journalism as the school’s dean is taking a new position in Main Hall.

The University of Montana said in a news release issued on Friday morning that Larry Abramson will become special adviser to the provost starting on Sept. 10th.

In Abramson’s new role, he will provide UM’s new Executive Vice President and Provost Jon Harbor with guidance and assistance for “cross-cutting university priorities in which he has key knowledge and experience-one of which will be in global and international opportunities.”

“I look forward to serving the UM community in my new role as special adviser to the provost, specifically on topics such as diversity and inclusion,” Abramson said. “I’m confident that the staff and faculty of the J-school will continue their long-standing commitment to serving students, and that their dedication and experience will make this transition successful.”

UM’s press release noted Abramson’s role as special adviser to the provost comes at an opportune time – UM’s executive vice president and provost has been in that role for a bit over a month.

“Larry’s perspective and advice are valuable to me during my first year as UM provost,” Harbor said. “His knowledge and experience relating to free speech, diversity and inclusion, making the most of UM’s global and international opportunities and honors education, will help advance a number of our goals for UM.”

Abramson was a prominent NPR news correspondent before joining UM as dean of the School of Journalism in 2014. Denise Dowling, currently associate professor and director of student services in the journalism school, will take over as interim dean on Sept. 10.

“I look forward to serving the UM community in my new role as special adviser to the provost, specifically on topics such as diversity and inclusion,” Abramson said. “I’m confident that the staff and faculty of the J-school will continue their long-standing commitment to serving students, and that their dedication and experience will make this transition successful.”

Denise Dowling will take over as interim dean. She is currently associate professor and director of student services in the journalism school. Dowling served in the interim dean role from 2012 to 2014 while the search for Abramson took place.

Reporting by Melissa Rafferty for MTN News