

Bozeman soccer community looks to future with sports complex

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BOZEMAN – The Bozeman Sports Complex is expected have 6 soccer fields completed by this fall according to the organizers. The 4 Phase project has run off schedule slightly and seen some changes, including reducing the number of fields for Phase II by two fields. All 4 grass fields are expected to be open by mid-September and 2 turf fields are expected to be open by end of October.

Currently, soccer clubs like Blitzz are practicing on softball fields 3 days a week due to limited space around town.

“We’re seeing more and more kids come out and we’re just running out places to put them,” said Coach Colin Cialella.

The Bozeman Sports Park Foundation hopes to ease the field woes for soccer, lacrosse and other sports with the new outdoor complex.

“We believe in the sports park for the simple reason that it encourages activities that promote positive attributes in our youth community like sportsmanship, teamwork, and confidence,” said field sponsor Jamie Bottcher. “Those are lifelong skills that help kids grow to be active members of our community.”

The Bozeman Sports Park Foundation has found private donors to fund the public project. Once completed the 80-acre park will hold 14 full-size fields and 18 smaller fields. They anticipate Bozeman will see $24 million in economic growth over 3 years from visitors using the field after all 4 Phases are complete. However, at this point, the project is barely 1/3 of the way done, and the Foundation is seeking more donations. It says $2 million dollars will be needed for additional turf fields and $10 million to complete the entire project.

Reporting by Mallory Peebles for MTN News