

Be Bear Aware: Group visits Helena to teach bear safety


HELENA – A bear education work group came to Helena Monday to teach locals about bear safety.

The workshop included training on how to handle an encounter with a bear, and a demonstration on the proper use of bear spray.

Volunteers had the opportunity to practice using bear spray as a remote-controlled bear charged.

Bear education officials say it is important to make sure you know how to use bear spray and carry it in a way that is easily accessible.

They also say to hike in groups of three or more in bear country and make noise to avoid surprising a bear.

It is also encouraged to carry more than one can of bear spray. When purchasing bear spray, make sure it is FDA approved. Check the expiration date on all bear spray before going out.

Danielle Oyler, education coordinator of Southwest Montana Bear Education says “It’s really important, I think the messages we’re sharing, to make people feel comfortable in bear country, but also to keep bears out of trouble. It’s part of living in bear country and the culture of living in some in some place wild is to understand our role in that community.”

You can expect more events like this in the near future. If you were not able to make this event, another is planned for August 29th at six pm.

Reporting by Mercedies Pruneda for MTN News