

Young girl in serious condition after falling from fair ride in Missoula


MISSOULA – A young girl who fell from a ride at the Western Montana Fair on Thursday evening is reported to be in serious condition at a local hospital.

The 11-year-old girl fell off the Typhoon carnival ride at around 6:45 p.m. on Thursday.

Missoula County spokeswoman Anne Hughes says in a news release that, “based on reports from the Missoula Police Department, she is in serious condition.”

Fair managers say the ride has been shut down for the rest of the fair because of the accident.

An email statement provided to MTN News adds that “at this time, Fairgrounds staff have no reason to believe other rides pose a risk.”

An investigation into the nature of the incident is ongoing.

“We are all deeply concerned for the child and her family. They are in our thoughts and we wish her a speedy recovery,” the news release concluded.

Northstar Amusement out of Billings owns and operates the ride.