

Helena School District employees taking part in active shooter training

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HELENA – Helena School District administration is taking school security to the next level for the upcoming school year. Active shooter training is now offered to all employees.

All Helena School District employees are encouraged to take an active shooter training course before the school year begins.

The class teaches Helena School District employees what to do in case of an active shooter, and is taught by specially trained police officers.

Participants in the class are presented with different scenarios to decipher, if they should barricade the door, or escape.

The goal is to teach employees how to make the best judgment call.

Randy Hussey, a teacher at Helena High, says it’s no longer *if* it happens, but when it happens.

“Administrators are checking, and making sure we are following protocols. That it’s not just, you’re not phoning it in just for the saying, you’re actually taking an interest in security, in your students, and that it’s a part of your job. No longer are you an English, Gym, Math, or Science teacher, you’re also in charge of the security of these kids.”

Randy says faculty is taking their own steps to ensure safety by keeping doors locked, windows covered, and managing students.

Faculty members such as Randy are incorporating safety lessons in their syllabus for students. The lesson will be reviewed throughout the school year.

Helena School District has also incorporated presentations and school assemblies throughout the school year based on safety.

Students need to realize the severity and that they are not far removed from dangerous situations.

Reporting by Mercedies Pruneda for MTN News