

Wounded Warriors tour stops in Laurel to help veterans


LAUREL – Wounded Warriors Family Support is an organization that supports military personnel and their families all across the country.

The group made a stop in Laurel on Saturday as a part of its 9th annual High Five tour.

The group is crisscrossing the U.S. in a Ford F-150 Raptor.

The truck is decked out in hydraulic equipment to assist wounded veterans with mobility in and out of the vehicle.

The truck is covered in the signatures of veterans and civilians who wish to show their support.

The mission is to provide support to the families of those who have been wounded, injured or killed during combat operations.

John Folsom, President of the organization, hopes the journey across the nation opens up possibilities for our wounded veterans.

“A cool truck like this can be converted with the right technology so that a young veteran who either has no legs or is paralyzed from the waist down can still get around using hand controls and the technology that we demonstrated to be independent,” Folsom said. “There may be someone who has a friend or neighbor that could use this. By seeing this technology they might have this moment to say that ‘we should get this vehicle into somebody’s hands so that they can be independent.'”

Folsom also added that on a per-capita basis, Laurel Ford donates more money to Wounded Warriors Family Support than any other Ford dealership in the country.

Reporting by Mitch Lagge for MTN News