

Helena crews continue restoration work on Walking Mall stream

and last updated

HELENA – Helena city crews are working on the next major step in restoring the Last Chance Stream on the downtown Walking Mall.

Leaders say major construction work is finished, and workers will soon begin shaping the refurbished stream. They also have irrigation and landscaping to complete.

The stream was put in in the 1970’s, when the Walking Mall was created.

“It ran for many years on its own, started to degrade a little bit, have some leaks and stuff like that,” said Patrick Marron, maintenance supervisor for Helena Parks and Recreation.

Crews started rehabilitation work last year, with two of the stream’s four sections. Once the project is finished, the stream will feature more natural-looking rock and improved landscaping.

This year, crews are working on the last two sections. Marron said, if weather cooperates, the project could be finished by mid-summer.

“We’ve had good feedback so far on the first two sections; a lot of people have given us compliments,” he said. “Hopefully we’ll get the rest of this done and people will be able to come down and enjoy the rest of it.”