

Grizzly bears make their presence known east of the Rocky Mountain Front

and last updated

As spring continues, grizzly bears are increasingly making their presence known along the Rocky Mountain Front.

Montana FWP Prairie Bear Monitor shared several photos that were snapped by Scott Chambers several miles east of Dutton recently.

FWP said:

Two small sub-adult bears were spotted about 100 yards from a residence this morning eating grain spills. Incident occurred 7 miles east of Dutton. The resident drove towards the bears and honked the truck horn – both bears quickly ran off to the east. Driving and honking is an excellent bear deterrence technique. This is a legal technique for residents if conducted responsibly (and this case was a good example).

FWP also said that a mid-sized bear was seen just outside a horse pasture south of Power on Saturday (May 26) morning. The horses chased the bear off, which then headed north toward the Sun River/Muddy Creek area.

Also on Saturday, FWP said that two sub-adult bears were seen near the Collins grain elevator on Friday (May 25) morning. They were running south toward the Teton River. FWP noted: “It would be beneficial to haze these younger bears if they come close to residences; please contact us with any observations.”