

Georgetown Lake businesses, anglers hoping for a good Memorial Day weekend

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GEORGETOWN LAKE – Georgetown lake businesses are gearing up for Memorial Day and expect good fishing despite a recent report of a large fish die off.

“There are boats on the lake, fishermen out there, we just actually went fishing Sunday and it was actually really good fishing,” said Dawn Gordon who works at Seven Gables.

Fish, Wildlife and Parks officials reported this week that 300 to 500 dead fish were found at the lake earlier this month. The deaths were possibly due to low oxygen from the long winter and heavy snow.

Despite the deaths, locals are not too concerned.

“I think there’s plenty of fish in Georgetown Lake, I’ve always heard it’s the second most productive lake in Montana and it sure seems things are kind of normal,” said Greg Markovich.

Area businesses are hoping for above normal traffic of visitors for the long Memorial Day weekend. And this is a fickle time of year for business.

“It’s all weather-driven and if the sun is shining we’re busy and if it’s not we’re usually not busy,” said Kathy Laslovich who owns Moose Marina.

Although the initial report of the fish kill on Georgetown Lake was at first concerning by the locals, they said in the past two weeks they take comfort in the fact that there have been no more reports of mass fish die-off on the lake.

“It hasn’t happened in a long time, I think it was the amount of snow we got on top of the ice. I think it will be just fine. Right now the report is the fishing is very good,” Laslovich said.

Reporting by John Emeigh for MTN News