

Beloved CMR High School teacher retires after 43 years

and last updated

GREAT FALLS – C.M. Russell High School honored this year’s retirees with its annual retirement tea.

Four employees were recognized for their retirement including Sara Buley, Brenda Huston, Terri Jones, and Velma Jordan. One of them, however, has been around for an especially long time.

Velma Jordan started her teaching career when she graduated from Utah State in 1957.

She taught in Bozeman, then became a principal in Illinois, before spending some time in Lincoln, Nebraska editing doctorate dissertations. It was then in 1965 that she decided to move back to Montana. She has been at C.M. Russell High School for 43 years.

Over her time at C.M.R., she has taught summer and night school as well as been involved with the Color Guard since 1980.

But she is ending her teaching career as a credit recovery teacher where she helps students get extra help to make up classes so they can graduate on time.

“I had one little guy I worked with this year and they basically had written him off as far as graduation. For a while he just kind of sat in my room, somehow you have to find the key that turns. He has completed a year of health with me, some U.S. history, some math, and year of English and he will graduate,” Jordan said.

She will miss the kids the most and her last message to them is, “Just keep on trucking.”

Reporting by Kasey Herman for MTN News