

More Messy Weather Heading Into Memorial Day Weekend

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Wet weather continues with showers and thunderstorms for the next several days.  However, most areas that have experienced flooding are seeing water levels slowly drop in spite of the showery weather.  While flooding is not over with, the worst of the flooding is likely behind us.  That being said, thunderstorms will continue tonight before quieting down after dark.  Tuesday will be very similar with showers and thunderstorms increasing in coverage through the afternoon mostly over central and southern Montana.  Storms will be more isolated up on the Hi-Line.  Highs will range from the 70s up north, to the 60s under the cloud shield in central and southern Montana.  Wednesday will be a very cloudy, wet day for most of the state east of the Continental Divide.  Thursday, scattered thunderstorms will hit again in the afternoon and evening.  Friday looks like a brief break in the storminess, but another low pressure and series of storms will hit over Memorial Day Weekend.  Saturday will start out sunny and warm, with highs likely climbing into the 80s.  Thunderstorms are likely to develop in the afternoon, and some of these storms could be severe with large hail and damaging wind.  Please keep this in mind with your outdoor activities.  Sunday will also have scattered thunderstorms and highs in the 70s.  Unsettled weather will continue on Memorial Day Monday.

Curtis Grevenitz