

Preserving history: Bozeman looks forward while honoring past

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BOZEMAN- The Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board has awarded 8 different buildings and structures around the city with Historic Preservations Awards.

The Masonic Temple and the Rialto Theatre are both being honored with the Outstanding Preservation award. CTA Architect Lesley Gilmore worked on the renovation of the temple and said in the beginning when they had to cut into the building in 2014. She says the building was completely covered in stucco and the building needed to undergo a renovation to bring back the buildings original flare. She says even though the project cost money and was difficult it was worth it.

“People do go through a little bit of construction turmoil. It is worth it in the end and I know they believe that. They are very proud of the project they have done,” said Gilmore.

The Bozeman Historic Preservation Advisory Board used to give out these awards and stopped after 2015. The board decided this year to start giving out the awards once again in order to commemorate building owners for their hard preservation work.

“They are physical links to our history and without them we could lose sight of that past and who we are as a community or who we were as a community and just with the way Bozeman is growing, really we are at an unprecedented time. So the need for that preservation now is more important now than it ever has been,” said Historic Preservation Advisory Board Volunteer Eric Karshner.

“if a community doesn’t have its history it doesn’t have anything,” said Co-Directory of Bozeman’s Extreme History Project Crystal Alegria

The awards will be given to the winners at 7 p.m. on Saturday at the Story Mansion.

Reporting by Mederios Babb for MTN News

The full list of recipients is listed below.

Outstanding Achievement:

  • The Rialto Theatre
  • The Masonic Temple

Adaptive Reuse:

  • The Willson Residences

Preservation Stewardship:

  • The Extreme History Project

Restoration and Rehabilitation:

  • 503 E. Mendenhall
  • The Scoop Bar sign

Continued Maintenance:

  • Nevitt Building
  • Western Cafe