

Spring weather delights Bozeman area gardeners

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BOZEMAN – With the constant change in temperature in Bozeman should gardeners be worried?

Owner of Cashman Nursery, Jerry Cashman, says no. In fact, he said the large amount of precipitation is perfect for plants in the spring. He says planters should not be worried but rather rejoice. He says weather that stays around 40 degrees helps get plants ready for the summer months.

“Well with all of this good moisture, now if we could get some sunshine. Get some sunshine, the grass is beautiful green the aspen trees are starting to leaf out, the tree behind me, the flowering crab apples will be popping out soon. Sunshine will bring lots of growth to all of our plants with all of this good moisture that we have,” said Cashman.

Cashman said the best plants to grow during this season are trees and shrubs.

Reporting by Mederios Babb for MTN News