

More Rain On Top Of Flooding

and last updated

The picture of Sierra Road essentially sums it up- the flooding in the Helena Valley today is nothing to joke about.  And while we’re all hoping for this to subside quickly, the end is not quite in sight yet.  Today, significant rainfall will begin in the late afternoon/ early evening hours, kicking off a pattern of precipitation that will last until the end of the work week, and tapering off by Saturday morning.  Thunderstorms with moderate to heavy rainfall will exacerbate the existing flood conditions, plus there is still plenty of snowpack in the mountains that has yet to melt.  The FLOOD WARNINGS in the Helena Valley and near Lincoln are set to expire Wednesday night and Thursday morning, respectively, but it is likely that these will be extended.

DO NOT attempt to drive over flooded roadways. If for some reason your hands are in the water, make sure to wash your hands directly after, as this water can contain pesticides, debris, and even sewage.

Be careful out there.

Katie Alexander