
Nearly Half of U.S. Covered in Snow

and last updated

After a very snowy Thanksgiving weekend, almost half of the United States is covered in snow. This is an unusual amount of snow for the country this early in the season. However, a warmup across the country will melt some of that snow. Montana was mild once again with snow melting through much of the state. This quiet and mild weather will continue for a few days before another round of snow comes through. Wednesday will be another windy one with high temperatures in the 40s to around 50. The wind will be strongest in the mountains and out across the plains. More snow will melt. Wednesday night there will be a weak cold front that moves into the state with a minor drop in temperature and a little light snow across the central part of the state including Great Falls and Lewistown. No more than a light coating is possible. Friday the temperatures will warm up again with wind increasing. Highs will top out into the 30s and 40s. The mild weather pattern will continue for the start of the weekend with Saturday's highs in the 40s to around 50, but clouds will increase through the day. A cold front will move through on Sunday with highs in the 20s and 30s while light snow falls for much of Montana. Next week will start out cold and dry but more snow and an even colder air mass is possible later in the week.
Have a great day.
Curtis Grevenitz