
Malmstrom AFB will host a Career and Education Fair

Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Mayhew
Malmstrom Air Force Base
and last updated

MALMSTROM AFB — Malmstrom Air Force Base will host a Career and Education Fair on Thursday, July 22 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Malmstrom AFB will host a Career and Education Fair

Staff Sergeant Elizabeth Mayhew is one of the organizers, and said her experience led her to get involved: “I was actually one of those in need, I was an A1C (Airman 1st Class) my first year (at Malmstrom) and I was looking for a university to finish my bachelor's degree. I was trying to find the best resources but at the time I didn’t have someone who could answer all my questions.”

Among the participant will be the Great Falls Area Chamber of Commerce. Chamber CEO Shane Etzwiler said, "Being the largest business organization in Great Falls, we have a lot of connections. So when people come and ask us about the opportunities for employment or education, we can begin to make those connections.”

The event is open to anyone who has base access - active-duty, family members, retirees and family members, and civilian employees and contractors.

It will be held at the Grizzly Bend Community Activity Center.