GREAT FALLS — No one ever calls Linda Short by her name, she’s always been known as Sugar. She says, “My grandfather gave me that name when I was little because I used to drink tea with him, and I liked the sugar. So he just nicknamed me Sugar, and it stuck.”
Sugar’s grandson Vince Short is hosting a round dance celebration this spring in honor of Sugar’s birthday.
Sugar says, “I mean, I enjoy round dances, but I never thought my whole life someone would have one for me, you know.”
Sugar has raised Vince since he was a baby, and putting on the round dance is his way of giving back to her.
Sugar explains, “That's what Native people do. They honor people, they do things for them.”

To raise funds, Vince and the round dance committee put together a Mid-Winter Indian Market, which featured vendors with handcrafted items from local businesses, and homemade food.
Vince says, “It makes us money to fundraise for our round dance, and also gives a chance to all the local vendors to make some money.”
This particular round dance committee began in 2021 in Fort Belknap, and this year, they are bringing the celebration to the Great Falls community.
Sugar says, “I just wish everybody would come. It's free. And just so people can kind of understand what Native people do, it's all about education. That's it. Showing the people, our culture, what we do. And everybody has fun, especially the kids. You know, it's like, everybody's welcome.”
Sugar Short’s Birthday Round Dance will be held in Great Falls on May 10th.