

Archbishop Hunthausen dead at 96


HELENA – Raymond Hunthausen, the retired archbishop of Seattle and an Anaconda, native has died. He passed away at his home in Helena at age 96.

According to the National Catholic Reporter, Hunthausen worked at his family’s grocery store and the Tuchscherer brewery in Anaconda before attending Carroll College in 1939. He graduated in 1943 with a degree in chemistry. He later received an advanced degree in chemistry from Notre Dame University.

He went on to become the president of Carroll College in 1957. He became the bishop of Helena in 1962 and took over as Seattle archbishop in 1975.

In 1991 he resigned as bishop of Seattle after pressure from the Vatican to curb his strong opposition to war and especially Trident nuclear submarines docked in Seattle.

Reporting by John Sherer for MTN News